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Cityscape, Digital, Clay

September 2 - September 6

Morning (8:30am-12:00pm)

Afternoon (12:00pm-2:30pm)

Full Day (8:30am-2:30pm)

Key Ideas

  • City scape

  • Clay

  • Digital

Why is it important?

  • Students will create city landscapes using techniques of perspective to create space and depth

  • ​Our Digital Art Class will introduce students to the modern techniques of computer generated art on a virtual canvas. We will work with Apple iPads along with Apple Pencils, and will familiarize our students with Procreate

  • Clay stimulates the child's curiosity, encourages experimentation., and allows them to create 3-dimensional sculptures.



(All supples are included​)

Please pack snack and lunch. (no nuts containing food please)

Seats are limited, Please RSVP.

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