Adult Art Shuffle
Key Ideas
What is Art shuffle?
Adult Art Shuffle is truly unique – students of all levels work in a small group setting exploring the medium and subject matter of their choice. Students work directly with instructors to select projects that meet their skill level and interest. We work with you to build your “Personal Art Plan” that creates a sequence of projects that will help you develop as an artist.
Cre8sArt School
Fort Lee
Teens schedule
1 month - 90 MIN CLASSES
Perspective Drawing
(11:00am - 12:30pm)
Perspective is what gives a three-dimensional feeling to a flat image such as a drawing or a painting. In art, it is a system of representing the way that objects appear to get smaller and closer together the farther away they are from the viewer.
Pen & Ink Drawing
Drawing with pen and ink allows the artist to create strong areas of contrast. Most ink drawings are completed using black inks on white surfaces which leads to heavy contrast in value. Many artists choose to exploit this contrast.
Our classes are a detailed study in light and shadows.
With more or less pressure on the pen we create darker or later shades.
Anatomy Drawing
There is a point in every student’s career when they try to draw the human body and something doesn’t turn out the way they wanted.
Hands are difficult to draw but very important, in many pictures we have hands holding objects or doing things.
This studies should help our students to be more skilled in that.
Most of the visible appearance of the human face depends upon the shapes and qualities of bones; many of these bones push on the muscles and skin to dictate the shape of portions of the face and head.
To draw a portrait properly, it is important to study the skull.
Register For Classes
If you have make up classes or are enrolled in our auto pay, Please call/text 201 203 7010 or email to register for any class you choose.
You DON"T need to Pay to enroll to our Online classes.
If you are starting new session with us, or new to our school, please register and pay online and enroll in this classes.
Thank you
Cre8sart Team